Well as you can see, BP:PD has had a revamp. I'm going to futz (is this a real word or is it just one that I've made up?) around with it more tonight and should hopefully have a more streamlined fun blog by the weekend!
HUGE thanks to my bestie Hopsy for re-doing my header for me! I need to make it a little bigger and I want to rearrange some things and change my blogroll, but it looks SO precious already!
What do you all think of the new look?
Now that I've played with my blog a little, cleaned the kitchen, and gotten dressed, I suppose I should go hit the gym! I have plenty of posts lined up for the rest of the week so stay tuned! My apologies for the lack of new posts this week. We've been SO busy!
Also. I had a cupcake disaster yesterday. First time in my life I screwed up cupcakes. Martha would be SO ashamed of me!!!
You know this means I'll be baking a new batch tonight and so HELP them if they have the audacity to come out badly again! I really blame the oven and not my over-measuring the flour. Shh. It's definitely the oven's fault.
Ok. I'm off... Let's see how many lunges I can do today before I collapse!
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