I've been in Austin, Texas for a few days longer than planned. I went with PB for the weekend because he had his company's annual meeting. Austin was cute and much larger than I expected!

I spent Monday with HFG. We had SUCH a great time! We became blog/BBM friends over a year ago and meeting her in person finally was even better! I felt as if I'd known her forever! We had lunch at Bess Bistro, which is Sandra Bullock's restaurant. It was delicious and we had a blast (Even if Sandy wasn't there to greet us). After lunch we walked around Austin for a bit, shopped at the Domain (where I discovered that Lilly Pulitzer does NOT make dresses to fit my body shape!) and then headed to the Four Seasons, where PB treated us to Champagne Tea.

*Us in front of the picture of Bess, which is the mascot*

*HFG was so thoughtful and brought me a gift bag from her party with one of the gorgeous Tory Burch cookies!*
*HFG during our tea at the Four Seasons*
I was supposed to leave Tuesday but it "snowed" in Austin. And by "snowed" I mean it flurried for about 20 minutes and apparently JetBlue ran out of deicing fluid so they cancelled every single flight for the rest of the day. I was FURIOUS! Not only were they lying to the passengers and trying to claim it was because the weather was so bad (please note there was LITERALLY no snow) but they failed to change the status of the flights in the terminal, and if it hadn't been for HFG getting an email about it accidentally and BBMing me, I would have been sitting in the terminal for hours longer! They refused to put me on another airline and then they tried to tell me that they could not get me on a flight until Friday. Oh, and they would not reimburse for the $75 in cab rides to/from the airport, or another night in a hotel. At that point I absolutely hit the roof! How ridiculous is that!? I raised my voice and stated that it was absolutely unacceptable and ridiculous and I would not settle for that remedy. After my blow up they managed to "find" me a seat on a Thursday morning flight to JFK. I've never been so angry at an airline! The other crazy thing was NO OTHER PASSENGERS WERE UPSET! Maybe this is the Yankee in me, but I was seething and the Texans were like "Ohhhhh, ok. No problem, I don't mind waiting until Friday."

So anyway... I'm back, I'm grumpy, and I have a to-do list from hell.


Check back tomorrow for a post about this amazing jewelry designer based in Austin I discovered.


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