Preppy Mafia Tag!

So I've been graced by the beautiful BLC and Sara with the Preppy Mafia tag! Thanks girlies!

*Blogger's not letting me upload the Preppy Mafia Picture but y'all get the idea*

Who is your favorite style icon? Audrey Hepburn & Jackie O

What is your favorite socialite book? I'm really into the Adele Park's books. She's british and Paul keeps feeding my addiction. (On the cruise I read a 685 page book in 24 hours.)

Favorite theme party? Um... I'd have to say a luau/fiesta! (Mainly for the fun cocktails)

Go to Halloween costume? Black kitten. Meow!

Extravagance you cannot live without? Lipgloss and manicures

Living persons you admire? Hillary Clinton and my Nannie (update- And my mom. She did an amazing job raising me all on her own.)

Greatest fear? Not being able to have a baby.

Trait you deplore in yourself? I have a SUPER fiery temper. I tend to blow up quickly and do NOT keep my opinions to myself. This can often get me into trouble! Am working on it.

What talent do you covet? Painting. I think it would be amazing to paint!

Greatest achievement? LSAT, law school, etc. (Agreed BLC!)


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