Holiday Decorations + The First Snow

(Images from decor8 and cupcakes & cashmere)


We got our first official snow here over the weekend! I was snowed in on Saturday and loved every minute of it! Little Millie, of course, hopped and frolicked all over the place- she was so excited that the 'white stuff' was back!

This one is my favorite, I love the look on her face. She was shivering at this point!

Even after we came inside she wanted to get up in the window and look out at the snow falling...


As promised, I snapped some pictures of my Christmas decorations over the weekend. It turned out to be the perfect time to  take photos of the outside decorations, as well!


Winter wonderland...

Outside Lovelies:

(View of my neighborhood from my driveway)

I decided to go with nontraditional colors outside this year. My girly gene was on overdrive. I found the pink sparkly bows and garland that I wrapped around my topiary at Target. The little pink scarves on my snowmen are from the Dollar Tree.


Lovelies inside....

Living Room: 






New Pink Tree in my Bedroom:

I'm so happy with how the decorations turned out this year. I wanted a simpler look and left a lot of my things from last year in storage. I think my favorite pieces are the apothecary jars and leaf bowl filled with Christmas balls and the pretty dining table. I found the beaded trees and table runner at TJ Maxx.


In more holiday related news, my mom and I went to a cookie exchange last night at one of the teacher's house that I work with. Coming home with 11 dozen sweet treats? Don't mind if I do!

Mom and me snapping a picture with our favorite girl before we left.

Cookies, cookies everywhere!!


Happy Monday, everyone!

(PS- I'm posting later today because we're on a snow delay! What a great start to the week!)


Please join my sweet friend Daphne in her home tour series this week featuring your Christmas/holiday decorations! She is such a sweet lady, and I know she would love for you to link up! Click the button below to head over to her lovely blog!



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