10: Number of hours of sleep I got Saturday night... Apparently Mama was tired!
9: Number of tons of pickled onion Monster Munch that was devoured by the members of this household this weekend. (Weird, yet oddly addicting.)
8: Number of times I was hit in the face by the frisbee on Sunday. (Note to self: YOU SUCK AT FRISBEE. Invest in a soccer ball instead ASAP.)
7: Number of stores scoured looking for a damn kitten tail to go with my sequined pink & black kitten ears for Halloween. (Number procured? 0.)
6: Number of Halloween themed cupcakes I sent home with the step-daughter to save myself from eating them. (Dear Madre, my butt does NOT thank you!)
5: Number of times the step daughter fell off my stability ball in any given 3 minute window... PB is glad that they didn't name her Grace. (Get it?!)
4: Number of times that I was hobbled by an ailment on any given day this weekend... I swear. I'm 28 going on 89.
3: Number of pumpkins successfully carved on Saturday... (We may or may not have one that is supposed to be a kitten but is somewhat indiscernible.)
2: Number of mani/pedi's given to the step-daughter this weekend... (Purple sparkles was the color on tap this weekend.) (That's how we roll around these parts.)
1: Number of games of Scrabble in which I bet both the hubs & child! (I'm liiiiikkkeeee soooo good.) (Ok. well maybe not really... but lets pretend!)
How was YOUR weekend?
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