What to wear: New Years 2011 - Option 1

Let's not even mention the fact that A) we have yet to make plans for New Years Eve this year and B) this dress is on its way and I have no idea if it will fit {fingers crossed}.

And... I don't actually have the jewelry or the clutch...but I have very similar pieces I'd pair with this dress.

Makeup: Smokey eyes (thinking of getting appointment at MAC makeup counter) and tossled, somewhat curled, "bed head" hair...I'll need to do a few trial runs.

If you're a Charleston resident...what is the top place for New Years this year?? We're thinking of either doing the party at the Hippodrome downtown or the Aquarium party...we've done the Shriner's party at Patriot's Point, Club Trio, and Red's in the past...all of these gave us a "meh" reaction, meaning they were just OK...nothing we want to really repeat.

I'm not a big fan of paying like $100 or so dollars for an 'open bar' party - I've done them before and I always feel like I never drink nearly enough to make back my money and the food is never all that great either. However, I have heard that the party at the Aquarium is fun and worth the money...so we'll see.

I'd be content with a house party with friends...but I've got too many single friends who want to "meet people" and mingle... so I guess boring old, not single me will have to suck it up and hit the parties. :)

What are you doing for New Years this year??


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