An evening in Notting Hill...

When PB and I venture into the city we tend to be creatures of habit. There are 2 fantastic restaurants in Mayfair that we love and a little hidden gem in Chinatown that we frequent. I decided to get us out of our comfort zone and venture over into Notting Hill for dinner.

In keeping with our "out of comfort zone" theme for the evening, I donned this very uncharacterically slim fitting dress! It is a Ted Baker number and I absolutely *LOVE* it. I swooned over the hot pink stripe and even though it's snug, I think I'll be wearing for many a date night! (Even if I felt a little bit like a Kardashian, which isn't really what I normally go for.)

We had resevations at E&O Restaurant. We hopped a cab and 10 minutes later we were at our restaurant. At first I was a tad self conscious because most of the people in the bar were hipsters and we were CLEARLY not scene-y enough. However, once we were seated in the restaurant we felt a little more at ease.

I let PB pick the starter and he picked the pork belly. Turns out pork belly is NOT for me. Too fatty... I may or may not have spit my piece out in my napkin. (Rude!) PB loved it though, so if you're into that sort of thing... Eat up!

(Sorry for the blurry picture... was using iPhone as to be more sly!)

I ordered a side of egg fried BROWN rice! It was SO nice to be able to indulge a little while still being somewhat healthy. PB refused to try it, he went with the standard white rice version and left me to eat ALL of my glorious brown fried rice all on my own.

I did not complain. 

For my main, I went with the spicy tuna roll. I was highly disappointed. In fact, I'm not sure if they gave me a plain tuna roll because there was not one bit of heat or spicy sauce in the roll. 

Would not order this one again!

For dessert we tried the banoffee pie. 


If you aren't familiar, banoffee pie is sort of like the british version of banana pudding, but it has a caramel/toffee layer under the bananas. If you are coming to England and see banoffee pie on the menu, definitely give it a try! It's great.

Since we were so full from our big dinner we decided to walk back to the hotel instead of taking a cab. We strolled up Notting Hill and I was in awe of how gorgeous the neighborhood was! It was also interesting watching many stores boarding up their store fronts for the Notting Hill Carnival. I can't remember ever seeing stores board up before fun neighborhood events in the US. We also almost got roped into a preview of the carnival going on in a local community center but we begged off citing lateness... we didn't tell them it was lateness for cocktails!

On our route back we trekked over to The Connaught to grab a drink at one of our favorites, The Coburg Bar. Jazz music playing, dark luxurious seating... It was perfect. I ordered a grapefruit cocktail that was gorgeous. We also loved the homemade salt & vinegar crisps. We may or may not have eaten 3 bowlfuls. (Annnd it is now clear why I gained 1lb at Weight Watchers after this trip!)

We then stumbled (read: NOT USED TO WEARING HEELS ANYMORE!) back to the Intercontinental, collapsed in a food/happiness coma and watched the late night news before passing out in our luxurious gigantic bed. All in all it was a fantastic date night and a great ending to a fun-filled stay-cation. 

What is the best "date night" you've been on lately?


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