Lady of Leisure

I got back to England last night. Heathrow was poppin' when I got off the plane. In fact, our plane was packed. I thought I was being a genius when I picked my seat because I picked the bulkhead seat by the exit. Not only did I have no one in front of me, I was in the very front of the section so I thought I'd be able to just hop right off the plane! Turns out I picked badly. When I got on the plane all the overhead bins were full, so I had to put things behind me. Which would have been fine... butttt I couldn't reach the bins so I had to lean over people and I got so flustered trying to get back to my carryon when we landed that I left the TWO boxes of Kashi Heart-to-Heart I brought on in one of the bins!

le sigh.

The rest of a trip was a breeze! Since I've gained roughly 8 lbs since graduation (damn bar exam) I decided that I was going to bite the bullet and order a special low calorie meal for the flight. Note to travelers: DO. NOT. EVER. ORDER. THE. LOW. CAL. MEAL. They give you fruit, fruit, with a side of fruit. Which is fine... but almost starved me to DEATH. Suffice to say the first thing I said to Paul when I walked out was "OMGCANWEPLEASEGOEATRIGHTNOWITHINKIAMDYING?!?!" We hit up our favorite Thai place in Windsor on the way home as we normally do when we fly. It was fantastic. Veggie tempura & pad thai... Made up for the approximately 15 calories I inhaled on the plane.

And so begins my life as a lady of leisure...

PB has the next two weeks off for holiday so we'll be doing holiday-esque type things which gives me an excuse NOT to start job hunting yet. I'm going to start looking in September. Until then what shall I be up to?

- finding a gym (PB needs to accept that I'm going to go *LOOK* at the 3 other gyms in town but we all know that the Four Seasons membership is totally going to be the only acceptable option)
- finding animals... Kitten, puppy(ies), baby chickies (yes. I am serious.)
- baking with Martha the Mixer (who now works thanks to a transformer to calm down the energy as to not make her explode)
- RUN (Um, hi? 5k in a month. omg.)
- Cook, cook, cook. (Am losing my 8 lbs that I gained by the end of the month or someone is going to get HURT. I can't be having this. Not one bit.)
- Paint/decorate/curtain-ize our house. (Standby for lots of home decorating posts. Cause I ain't no nothin' about decoratin' no house, neither.)
- Get a UK driver's license. (This shall be fodder for some excellent stories for our children one day!)
- Watch Come Dine With Me at every given opportunity (which literally means all day if I can finagle the remote.)

I'm so excited to be here, but slightly trepidatious (sp?) about my new life (read: my new life with no job, no income, and no friends). It should be FUN!

I'm also hope to be back to regular blogging manana!

So. Tell me. WHAT IS NEW?!


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