Nom... Nom... Nom... Nom...

Being a single (well, not technically, but you know what I mean) super busy law student makes eating healthy and following weight watchers even harder. I've had lots of friends and blog-friends ask me what my go-to meals or snacks are to keep me on track. I've decided to show you an average day of eating for me. I don't know if y'all think this is a dumb thing to share, but I always thinks it helps knowing what other Weight Watchers are doing and strategies used.

Here is what I had on Monday, which is a very long day for me at school.

8AM: Breakfast (5 points)
3/4 cup Kashi Cinnamon Heart to Heart
1/2 cup skim milk

12PM: Snack (3 points)
1 cup grapes
Tea w/ skim milk and splenda

1:30PM: Lunch (7 points)
Leftover stir fry (1 cup of brown rice and 1 1/2 cup of veggies)

4:00PM: Snack (4 points)
Kashi Coconut & Chocolate bar
Tea w/ skim milk and splenda

7:30PM: Dinner (7 points)
Small salad with broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers and sunflower seeds
1 1/2 cup cauliflower soup

9:30PM: Gym (Earned roughly 7-8 points)
30 mins on level 7 of the Stairmaster
15 minutes on REV bike
45 minutes of weight training (Squats, lunges, arms, abs)

11:15PM: Late-night snack (4 points)
1/2 cup reduced fat Thin-Mint ice cream
1 Cadbury caramel dairy milk square

My daily points allowance is 27 per day. I earned 7 exercise points and used 3 of those in additional to my 27 for a total of 30 points spent on the day. On days when I'm not at school all day, I usually eat a little less and stay right on my points target.

Sometimes I end up going from lunch until 10PM without eating when I get home from school and the gym. Usually on those days when I haven't had time to prepare dinner in advance or don't feel like cooking I'll toast some high-fiber whole wheat toast, put 2 tsp of light mayo on it and cover with cucumber slices and salt and pepper. I'll have that with some grapes and maybe a few "hint of lime" tortilla chips. I ALWAYS end the night with a chocolate. I've found that I just NEED chocolate right before bed. Each square is 1 point so its easy to track and keeps me from going crazy! Also I go by the rule that when I *think* I'm hungry, if I am not willing to eat carrots, I don't need to eat and am not truly hungry.

Hope this ends up helping someone! This works for me, but to each their own!


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