Weight Watchers Recap

This week was ok with Weight Watchers. I was down almost a pound. I had a chat with my leader after the meeting to try to ascertain what is going on with my weight loss. She pointed out that in 3 weeks I've had an average of 1/2 pound a week weight loss. Unfortunately since I have already lost a lot of weight, things slow down and they (WW gods) say that to have healthy, sustainable weight loss you should aim for no more than 1/2 to 1 pound of weight loss per week. Apparently I'm on the right path... Even though it is a slow, highly annoying path.

My goals this week: Track daily and try to get in every one of my "good health guidelines."

I've been doing well getting in my whole grains, water and milk but I've been slacking a little in the veggie dept. I stocked up on prepackaged veggies yesterday so I can grab and go (and some Sabra jalepeno hummus, which makes any veggie edible.)

Now, onto other, more materialistic things... I've been pining for this dress. PB likes it and I've gotten the go-ahead to break my new years resolution and purchase.
But, before I do, let's have a poll- Yay or Nay?

And finally, check out my steal of the week. PB and I are going on a cruise in March and I was perusing the shoe dept at Target last night and came across these beauties. They were a budget friendly $15! Perhaps I'll need them in pink too. (And they would go with the aforementioned dress, should I purchase and take on the cruise, no?)

Now I'm off to work at the lab and do a gazillion pages of reading... Happy Saturday!


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