Nutrisystem Review

You all, or most of y'all, know I'm a 2 1/2 year member of Weight Watchers and I am one of their biggest cheerleaders. However, I have plateaued folks. I am stuck in a little ditch vacillating between 81 and 84 pounds lost. My WW leader has defined a plateaued of 4 weeks or more with less than 1/2 pound loss per week. After trying everything I decided to take the plunge and order one month of Nutrisystem meals to get me back on the downward track.

The Program: My one month supply provided me with breakfasts, lunches, dinners and desserts for 28 days. With the food came the program booklet and tracker. You supplement the Nurtisystem food with fresh vegetables, dairy and protein.

 The tracker tells you what to have at each meal. 



  • Nutrisystem breakfast entree (in BLUE package) 
  • 1 serving of a dairy or protein (like skim milk or a hardboiled egg-they tell you what qualifies in the back of the booklet) 
  • 1 fruit. 
  • Nutrisystem Lunch Entree (In a GREEN Package)
  • 1 serving of a dairy or protein
  • 1 vegetable serving
  • 1 vegetable serving (with 2 Tbsp of fat free dressing, if desired)
  • 1 serving dairy or protein
  • 1 fruit
  • Nutrisystem Dinner Entree (In a RED package)
  • 1 fruit of vegetable
  • 1 vegetable
  • 1 vegetable (with 2 tbsp of fat free dressing, if desired
  • 1 fat
  • Nutrisystem Dessert Entree (In a PINK package)
At the bottom of the tracker you keep track of your weight, your water intake (6-8 8oz glasses per day) and your activity. As I mentioned above, the guide to what counts as a dairy, protein and a fat is in the back of the booklet. It also tells you by vegetable how much you get for one portion, so you can make sure you aren't just overeating vegetables.

My thoughts thus far: 

  • The food is really delicious and quick and the program is SUPER easy to follow. I think this is good for people like me that are stuck but are already committed to a healthy lifestyle and have really learned how to eat, portion sizes and are committed to exercising. (Or people who only need to lose a small amount of weight.) However, I'm skeptical how well this would work for someone in the long term who just joined this without trying a holistic program like Weight Watchers which addresses food choices, portion control, mental blocks to weight loss, exercise and gives more support.

So far it seems to be doing the trick for me. I had my Weight Watchers weigh in this morning and lost 2.6 lbs despite my cheating the other night for burgers and wine. (So I'm at a total of 83.5 lbs lost so far.) I've also been checking the points on the packages and have discovered that it puts you right at about 29-30 point per day, which is where most folks would be on WW. 

I'm planning on taking pictures of my meals all week this week and I'll show you all next Saturday so you can actually see what I'm eating! Check back then to see if I really can break my plateau.

Have you ever tried Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig or Fresh Direct either to lose weight or to get through a plateau?


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