Belated Wedding Wednesday...

This past Wednesday I was in NYC with the amazing K from Grove Gal Gifts. We went to Martha Stewart and had a blast. She is wonderful and I was so sad to see her head back to DC! I'll do a post about that tomorrow.

 But now, here's my belated Wedding Wednesday post. We're going down to Charlotte in about a month and I'll have the chance to taste all sorts of cake and pick my cake design. Our venue package includes a cake, so I just have to tell them what I want, and they'll make it! I've been looking for cakes for inspiration, and here are a few that I'm liking.

*I'm really liking the dots!* 

*And the bows...*

*And stripes...*

*And maybe perhaps even cupcakes!*

Which do you like best?
I have to admit... I'm loving all three of the stripy ones! I will have white/cream flowers if I pick a cake with flower accents. I'm leaning toward the plain, classic looking stripes. (And kinda want the one with the bow and the bling.) Now... which flavors combos do y'all suggest for the cake & icing?!


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