I had my FIRST session today with my personal trainer. It was actually pretty fun. I have a male trainer and when I saw him I was a little skeptical. He is not big and full of muscles... but boy did he know how to work me!
I've never had a trainer before so this all was completely new to me. First, he took me upstairs and had me do a series of tests to determine my "Real Body Age." There he hooked me up to this computer-machine-thingy and took my blood pressure (which is absurdly low), then my weight and body fat (not pretty but not nearly as bad as it was a year ago- I've lost 4% body fat all on my own!), then I had to stand on the machine and do a strength test (which basically involved me pulling up as hard as humanly possible on a bar), then I had to do a stretch testy thing on the machine, and finally I had to put on a heart rate monitor and a finger thingy to test my blood "oxygenation" or whatever.
Results? Apparently I'm a little more fit than I look! Blood pressure was excellent, stretching ability was excellent, oxygenation was good but can be improved, strength was very good but can be improved and % of body fat was above average (I mean, obviously) but not terrible. My "body real age" is 32, which is not terrible. My actual real LIFE age is 26 (approaching 27 at an alarming pace). If we can bring my body fat down about 5% I'll be at around 26 in "Real Body Age" which is where I want to be!
That took a good chunk of our first session but we did manage to get in a workout. All I have to say is lunges = death. I HATE lunges. I think I look dumb when doing them, they hurt, they make me sweat and I often can't walk the next day. I never do them when I work out, but he's assured me that they will be more than happy to join my training routine!
I'll be seeing him Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and I'll be sure to recap the pain... er, progress. Now I'm baking a low-fat chocolate pumpkin bundt cake (check for recipe tomorrow), heading to see The Lovely Bones and then getting a drink with a friend at Parish!
How was your Thursday?
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