While I'm a fairly healthy eater in general, I do have a few weaknesses. One of my HUGE weaknesses is for a British speciality known as a sausage roll. I first had a sausage roll last year at Stonehenge when we were starving. PB grabbed us a couple to have in the car on the way home. He knew that I LOVED sausages, and knew that I would love a sausage roll. And boy did I LOVE that thing! I was annoyed he hadn't gotten me two of them! I literally could eat them for every meal and never tire of them... They are SO good but SO bad for you!
What is such a thing you ask? It's simple deliciousness consisting of sausage meat encased in buttery fluffy layers of puff pastry. Usually the sausage is flavored with sage, onion and other yummy flavors.
Each week after WW if I've had a good week we go in search of sausage rolls. We troll the gas stations until we find them, but I was thinking today... It must be easy to make them. I found this recipe for them by Jamie Oliver and I think that I might give them a whirl and see how an American's stack up to the gas station varieties!
Have y'all ever had such a thing or tried making them? What is one of your guilty unhealthy but yummy pleasures?
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