Well folks, my day (only 1 because of this dumb project) as a lady of leisure is over. Tomorrow I start my new gig at my firm in London. I am SO nervous! Today I did a test run of the trip to the firm so that I'll be able to find it tomorrow. PB is going to Brussels until Thursday so he has to be up and in the city super early. I'm going to go in early with him so I can join the gym he found for me beside Paddington station and get a workout in before I'm due to start work!
One thing I already love is that they do not start until 9:30AM and they usually leave between 5 and 5:30! That is UNHEARD of! I'm sure there will be some longer days and some earlier days, but I am already loving that schedule.
I'm a little anxious about what to wear. I'm going with a black pencil skirt, black tank under a cropped fitted short sleeved white blazer with a skinny black belt and black heels. I emailed about 3 times asking about their dress code and received no response. It's conservative but kinda stylish! I figure I get a pass the first day anyway.
EEK! This is the first time I've ever had a real job working for a REAL law firm! I'll post a first-day recap and picture tomorrow!
Wish me luck!!!!
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