Bittersweet Weekend

We have friends here on island - a lovely young couple from England - who have decided to go back to the UK and are leaving tomorrow. To be honest, the lady is pretty much my only gal pal on the island. Needless to say, I'm sorry to see them go! However, they have hated this island equally or more than I do/have, so I'm happy for them as well! Will go for drinks tonight, then shopping with them tomorrow before they catch their 6pm flight. I suspect I might even be a little grumpy after that.

Other than that, not too much going on this weekend for the Julep family. Mister has a rugby game after work today. I am hoping to clean out my make-up bag - I need to get rid of the old and make room for the new!!! And on Sunday, I'm especially looking forward to the season finale of True Blood!!!

What's on your agenda this weekend???

Pink Julep!


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