A Colorful Award!

The precious MMC passed this fun award on to me last week! THANK YOU!

Rules: In accepting this award list 10 things that make me HAPPY and pass this onto 10 other blogs! Here are my top 10 things that make me happy:

1. Humphrey- My obese adorable little chihuahua. Need I explain?!
(Side note- Does he or does he not resemble a baby seal in this pic?)

2. Doing yoga... I wish I spend entire days in yoga classes. Makes me happy, relaxed and super bendy.

4. Cooking! Whenever I'm stressed I love making an intricate recipe for PB or even just for little ole' me. I also tend to bake a lot when I'm stressed.

5. Playing scrabble with my Nannie & my mom. I always get my butt kicked but it's my favorite.

6. Reading. I LOVE to read. Seriously love it... I'll be so happy when law school is over and I can go back to reading for pleasure!

7. Going to the MOVIES! I absolutely loooooooovvvveeeee going to the movies. I go almost every week. The popcorn, the comfy seats, the huge screen... What's not to love?
(CCC is going to kill me for uploading this pic... At least we both look ridiculous together!)

8. Manicures. I LIVE for Manis & Pedis. I'm always a happy camper with painted nails! (And the ring is just a bonus happy maker :) )

9. Summer beach days... It gets no better than soaking up some sun and reading some mags with a bestie. Always makes me a happy camper

10. My fella. He does make me pretty dang happy.

10 Blogs that I LOVE and am passing on this award to:


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