1. BUNNY CAKE: Literally every Easter when I was little my Madre made me a bunny cake. I *lived* for the bunny cake. Everyone needs a bunny cake at Easter. I realize it has nothing to do with Jesus but it is as much of a necessity as Ash Wednesday or Good Friday. If you haven't made this for your children, you are a bad parent. Drop everything and go get the ingredients to make this immediately. If your parents never made this for you, seek counseling. You've been neglected.
(Madre, are you listening? Just because I'm 27 and married doesn't mean you no longer have a bunny cake duty.)
2. VERY LARGE HATS: In England it is quite normal, if not expected, to wear hats to special events & occasions. However, in the US the only times you see big hats being worn is at the Kentucky Derby or on 95 year old southern ladies en route to church on Sundays (along with their wrist length white gloves.) However, I've noticed over the years that ladies of all ages deem it quite acceptable to wear hats on Easter. (It is unclear to me as to what makes Easter day any different than any other day for hat wearing purposes, but there we are.)
*Perhaps these hats might be suitable*
3. HAM: So. Admittedly this is one of my favorite Easter traditions... but it has me slightly perplexed as to why ham is the meat du jour on Easter. Wasn't Jesus jewish? And therefore doesn't it follow that since Jews don't eat pork, he wouldn't have eaten ham? So I googled this and it seems that pork just happened to be more readily available in Europe & North America than lamb, which is apparently what Jesus ate instead of pork at The Last Supper. I don't know how accurate that is, but I'll take it. (And my ham too.) (With extra glaze, please.)
4. EASTER EGGS: I haven't dyed Easter eggs in yearrrrsss. This is one of the many reasons I'm planning on busting out a baby... so I have the excuse to A) play with barbies again & B) to dye easter eggs again (and roll them in glitter.) This is one of my FAVORITE parts about Easter.
5. SUNRISE SERVICE: So I don't really have an organized religion (I'm working on that.) However, I remember when I was little my mom taking us to Sunrise Service for Easter. I remember thinking it was fun because I got to wear a frilly dress and patent leather shoes. However, since I know nothing about the bible, Easter or Jesus, I did not know why this is an Easter tradition. So I turned to the Google gods and lo and behold, I found an answer. Apparently it is a sign of recognition that Jesus no longer lay in the tomb on Easter morning. PB and I are attending our first Easter service Sunday. I'm looking forward to it! We aren't really church-going folk, but it should be a learning experience for us.
So there is MY personal Easter Must-Haves.
(See also: Cadbury dairy milk eggs, Cadbury caramel creme eggs, peeps, jelly belly jellybeans, Easter basket cakes & Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs. I mean what is a religious holiday without copious amount of candy?)
What MUST you have for Easter?
*all images found on Google*
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