Concrete jungle where dreams are MADE of...

(Side note: Um. When I typed the lyrics as the title of this post it dawned on me that it makes no sense. Grammatically. No sense. Alicia and Jay-Z need a little English assistance.)

SO! Today I have class, class and more class then hitting the gym (pushing for 25 mins on the stairmaster. We shall see how THAT goes) and then running home to get to bed early because I have to be at South Station at 6:30 to head to NYC!

What's in store for my ONE day in NYC?

*First: Grabbing a coffee with this gorgeous man upon arrival into the city*

*Then going to the following*

*Then meeting the aforementioned gorgeous man and going to try on ONE dress here*

*Then going here for dinner with said gorgie male and heading back to Boston*

Will be back Friday with a recap and a CUPCAKE (or 5)!

*PS: Today HFG is debuting Chixie- Don't forget to wish her luck!*


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