New England Aquarium Bridal Expo

One perk of being engaged and of being registered on The Knot is I keep getting all these fun invited to free bridal events that usually involve free food and booze. Last night my mom, Courtney and I headed to the Aquarium for their first bridal expo.

Until we got there I had NO idea how on earth you'd have a wedding there, but it was actually pretty neat! When we walked in they had a few banquet rounds set up as displays; one with a floral centerpiece and the other with candles. They were really pretty displays and I got some ideas for the decoration of our reception tables.

*Me and Courtney- Sorry for the creepy quality, forgot the camera so we had to use the Blackberry and it was so dark that the flash made us look like creeps*

We got a glass of complimentary wine (which was surprisingly delicious) and made our way around the aquarium to the various food stations. The first one we came upon had marinated mushrooms, artichokes and a tomato and mozzarella salad. The mushrooms & artichokes were delicious. The tomato & mozzarella salad was a little bland, but still ok.

We then made our way around the big tank up to the next level. Along we way we sampled some mini beef wellingtons which were SUPERB! They were absolutely delicious and I was happy when they circled by later with them so I could grab another! On the 2nd level they had a pasta station with 2 types of ravioli; lobster ravioli in a tomato sauce with diced tomatoes and mushroom gorgonzola ravioli with walnuts. They were both pretty yummy but the lobster ravioli took gold medal. It was delicious... the lobster was fresh and tasty and the sauce was a perfect compliment.

*Me and Myrtle the Turtle... I found her as we were walking up to the 2nd level. We totally bonded.*

On the next level we had a taste of a plated dinner option. They served up beef tenderloin, mashed potatoes and some vegetables. Now, here's where I admit I'm not a big beef eater and I haven't had a steak in about a year and a half. I caved and tried the little portion and I was IMPRESSED! The steak was so tender that it practically melted in my mouth. The potatoes were "twice baked" and mashed and were perfectly seasoned with a hint of sour cream.

*Us trying out the beef tenderloin. So yummy!*

After we'd had our little tastes and some wine, we headed back down to the first level where they had wedding cake to taste by Konditor Meister and champagne. On the way back down we were passed shrimp wrapped in bacon. This was BY FAR my favorite hors d'oeuvres. The bacon was crispy, the shrimp plump and it tasted as if it had been basted in maple syrup. I practically snatched the try from the lady to eat them all! I've told Paul that we HAVE to have those as one of the hors d'oeuvres at our wedding.

The night was topped off by a giveaway of two big baskets full of wedding goodies, neither of which I won, and cute gift bags to take home. The gift bags had an adorable cookie with two dolphins painted on as well as a starfish shaped paperweight, coupon for apps at Morton's and a few other vendor suggestions and discount codes. All in all it was a fun night... We enjoyed the set up and the flow of the evening. I think the aquarium would be an exciting and unique place to tie the knot and I'd definitely consider it if I were to have a Boston wedding.

It was also fantastic to see the aquarium at night without hundreds of screaming children. The only thing I would have changed was that I would have had more vendors present- like photographers, invitation options, florists. This was their first try and they did an excellent job!

*Adorable sleeping turtle I found on our way out. He is so cute!*


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