My fellow blogger and bff HFG tagged me on her blog with this fun TAG! I thought it'd be super fun to play along!
Favorite color: PINK! (Agreed!)
Favorite Brands/Designers: Love Michael Kors, Lilly, Marc Jacobs & Oscar de la Renta
Favorite Restaurant: SOOOO many... Crooks Corner (in NC), 4th Street Deli (in PA), Toscano (in Boston), Momofuku (in NYC), Lady & Sons (in Savannah)... I could go on and on and on and on...
Hobbies: Cooking, baking, reading, playing tennis, blogging, volunteering, politics, etc.
Favorite thing about yourself: My favorite thing about myself is that I am super opinionated and not afraid to be exactly who I am regardless of what others think of me and my opinions!
What does your room look like (color scheme, theme, etc.): I LOVE my room! I have massively high ceilings, a brick wall behind my bed, platform bed. My bedding is simple and cute- white duvet w/ my monogram in pink in the center and a green pearl border, pink quilt and shams are also on there. Also my favorite Hillary poster framed on the wall beside my bed that has her and says "She's the one!" in shades of pink. Wait, did I mention I like pink?
If you could have dinner with 2 people (dead or alive) who would they be: Queen of England and Audrey Hepburn. We know I'm obsessed with the queen and Audrey needs no explanation... I mean really.
What is your next “big splurge”: Hmm. Since I've been preparing for this wedding I've been trying super hard not to spend money... HOWEVER... there is this certain bag I may or may not be lusting over. My grades were absolutely STELLAR this semester... so mmmaaayyybbbeee a new bag!
What is your favorite joke, quote, or saying: Favorite saying "Bless her heart" and favorite quote "If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit next to me!"
Anything else you would like us to know about you (random fact)!? I used to be obsessed with Dolly Parton. I was a member of her fan club when I was little and we went to the opening day of Dollywood one April specifically because she was in the opening day parade. I saw her and stood there and cried the entire time because I was so overwhelmed! I still, to this day, LOVE her and get excited whenever she is on anything!
Now it is time to tag six fellow bloggers to answer the above questions! Each person that is tagged must tag six new bloggers. Be sure to link to the person that originally tagged you and comment on their TAG post so they can read your answers.
Let the games begin.... TAG, YOU'RE IT!
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