One-Way Friendships

Do you ever feel like you're in a one-way friendship?

It dawned on me yesterday that aside from maybe 3 or 4 of my friends, all the rest of my friendships are one sided. I was thinking about it and I thought...

When is the last time someone asked ME out for lunch?
When is the last time someone initiated a G-Chat convo with ME?
When is the last time someone invited ME out for a girls night?
When is the last time someone asked ME how things were going without me having to ask?
When is the last time someone asked ME to visit and not vice versa?

I can't remember the last time anyone other than the said 3 or 4 friends (none of which are in Boston) or PB asked me to hang out, grab a drink, see a movie, go shopping, go on a trip.

I can't remember the last time anyone other than said 3 friends initiated a phone call, chat, email, letter, BBM, text msg, anything.

So I've decided that no longer am I going to initiate ANYTHING!

I'm not trying to be a good friend anymore, I'm not inviting, I'm not calling, I'm not g-chatting, I'm not extending dinner or drinks invites. Nothing.

I am OVER it. It seems that most of my friends only feel the need to contact me when they need me or have a catastrophe. I just am sick of putting forth effort and getting nothing in return!

Therefore, I'm cleaning house, people, and if you want my friendship (and I'm an excellent friend, if I do say so myself) then you people are going to have to work for it! I'm not perfect and I too fall into the trap of getting busy and forgetting to call, but I try really hard and unfortunately, that hard work is almost completely one-sided

The end.

(PS- This is not intended to be whiney, annoying, or guilt-trippy. I just wanted to share my epiphany... and It's my blog and I'll rant if I want to dang it!)


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