Tag- I'm IT!

One of my absolute favorite bloggers, MCW, tagged me for a fun little game of tag. Since I adore her (and am putting off my drafting exercise for Int'l Arbitration) I decided to give it a go.

The rules: MCW gave me 8 questions to answer. I answer them, come up with 8 more, and tag other bloggers to answer MY 8 questions (etc. etc. etc.)

MCW's questions:

1. What were you like in high school?

Hmm. This is a good question! I guess I was a lot like I am now, but a lot less mature. I was a combination of geeky & popular. Geeky because I was in band (marching & concert band... Was section leader and Pres of my Music Dept my senior year. Yes. That's how I roll.) but popular because despite that I had a lot of friends. I wasn't super cool, but I tried to be nice to people and therefore people were nice to me too!

2. If you could bring one clothing style back what would it be?

I would bring back the entire 1950's clothing era. I love the style of clothes, I love the way women looked in the clothes, I love that women had curvy bodies and the clothes reflected it. I also just love the formality of yonder years when women mainly stuck to dresses, cardigans, skirts, and pedal pushers and men to suits and nice sweaters and slacks. PB bought me two dresses this summer and both are 1950's-esq. They are so pretty and flattering... I have NO idea why this style went out but I'm going to single-handedly bring it back if it kills me!

3. Do you have a green thumb?

Yes and No. Generally, yes. I love to grow flowers and have been successful at my mother's abode but for some dang reason I can't seem to keep anything alive in my apartment. I think it is because my apartment is fairly humid and perhaps is a little too warm to grow indoor stuff? No idea. It is so weird!

4. What is one thing you would love to do if you came to NYC?

Well I do come to NYC about 2/3 times a year... BUT one thing I love to do and rarely get a chance to is to go to the Central Park Zoo. It's SO fun and I've only been once. I'd also love to rent bikes and just bike around Central Park and see it all! (And eat lots and lots and lots and lots and LOTS of city-water hot dogs.)

5. One is one thing we would do if I came to visit you?

Just ONE?! We would definitely have to do a Duck Boat Tour. I've been on two and I think they are fantastic for non-native Bostonians. They are fun, interactive and you learn a lot about Boston and the history. You also get to see almost every part of the city!

6. If you HAD to decided between having a beautiful face or an amazing body which would you choose, and why?

Face! 100%. Why? Because I can lose weight and craft an amazing body, but an ugly face is forever. (I mean unless you're willing to do some hardcore plastic surgery... which I most certainly would, but I like my face.) Also I feel like a beautiful face can totally negate a not so hot body but I don't feel like a hot body can negate a heinous face.

7. Are you more like your mom or your dad?

My mom.

8. Is there something about yourself that you hide from people when you first meet them?

I tried to hide my sarcasm and my weird way of speaking. I have the WORST habit of using ghetto-fab slang constantly. I was so proud of myself this summer because I managed to contain it 99% of the time... Except when I taught my barrister what the expression "Flip her shit" means. As in "The judge was so mad I thought she was going to flip her shit at you too!" That conversation was absolutely hilarious!

My 8 questions:

1. If you had a theme song that played whenever you walked into a room, what would it be?
2. George or Brad, and why?
3. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
4. What is the strangest question you've ever been asked?
5. Where is your favorite place to sit in a movie theater?
6. On a plane- Are you a chatter or do you do everything humanely possible not to have to interact with anyone?
7. If you could bring back one TV show from your childhood, what show would it be?
8. What is the first thing you think people notice about you?

Tagged bloggers: Anyone who is READING THIS! I've gotten into a blog rut and I just keep reading the same blogs over and over. If you are reading this please do it and then leave me a comment so I can find your blog! (Also, if you have any suggestions for fun new blogs, let me know!)

Go ahead. You know you want to play...



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