So on Saturday I weighed in. I'd stayed exactly the same. I'd tracked... I'd measured & weighed... I'd gulped water like it was going out of style. I'd spun (spinned?) (span?) until my butt was bruised and sore... I'd even run. (Have we talked about how I'm the world's worst runner and how every time I do it I literally think in my head "OMGIHATETHISIHATETHISIHATETHISHOWDOESANYONEDOTHISFORMORETHAN10MINUTESWITHOUTDYING?")
And yet?
If you follow me on Twitter you've already heard some of my grumbly tweets but here's the deal..
The Saturday before Easter I hit 90lbs lost. Now... Since then I've gained about 6lbs. I've also lost it. And then gained it again. And then lost it. And, yes, you're catching a theme here... lost it again. Studying for the bar exam didn't help things. I took basically a full 2 month hiatus from working out, save for doing the Couch-2-5k program intermittently and doing some weights/ball workouts in my house. I tried to make up for my HUGE decrease in exercise by fanatically controlling my food intake. However, surprise, surprise, I gained 4lbs. No big deal, I thought... I'll lose it in a week after getting back into a groove.
So I'm back in a groove. (SORT OF.) I'm going to the gym 3-4 times a week. I'm making food. I'm working which means I'm on my feet for 4-6 hours a day without sitting or eating or stopping to do anything to make myself fatter.
Yet... Nothing.
So I had a come-to-jesus meeting with myself and my body this week. I need to lose 25 more pounds. While I love everyone that says "You'll be emaciated!" "You look perfect, no need to lose anymore!" "Gosh, you've already lost so much, you can't POSSIBLY need to lose any more!"
It A) isn't true and B) isn't helpful.
It A) isn't true and B) isn't helpful.
According to my BMI I am still categorized as "obsese." Yes... I know the BMI system is silly and flawed, but still... I'm proving a point. I still can't wear jeans most jeans that are a size 12... While my top is slimly (or so I think) ensconced in a size 10 in most tops now... My bottom can't seem to part ways with a 14. Now... I'm not complaining.
Did I, when pouring myself into a generous size 22 jeans (and laying down to zip them) contemplate that I would even get an ankle into a size 12, much less an entire thigh?
Did I, when pouring myself into a generous size 22 jeans (and laying down to zip them) contemplate that I would even get an ankle into a size 12, much less an entire thigh?
But now it is in reach. I've accepted the fact that I will never be lean and thin and wear tiny jeans. I've accepted the fact that I have junk in the trunk and always will... I will always be referred to as "curvy"... I will always have unfortunate legs, chubby knees & cankles. It is what it is. I just want a slightly smaller... 25 lbs exactly... version of them.
I've taken the week to try out slimfast shakes and to devise a strategy to shock my system back into losing. While I *LOVE* Weight Watchers... I'm thinking that my time as a loyal follower might have come to an end. The flexibility is great and it REALLY has taught me how to eat in moderation and healthily. I've perfected the art of maintaining. I know how to balance my good & my bad. What I need now is structure. I need a "diet." I've already made the lifestyle change and it worked... but to hit my goal I need to start really working.
So... Goodbye for now Weight Watchers...
It's not you.
It's me.
I'm almost done creating my "plan" and I'll definitely share that with y'all next week when I start it. It's going to be tough... I'm going to have to get back into the habit of going to the gym 5 days a week... if not 6. I'm going to have to completely cut out some foods that I love, but I think this might work.
My goal was 25 lbs by Christmas. Now that we've had a bumpy 2 months it's looking more like March. Either way... come hell or high water, I WILL lose it before our first anniversary. After all... I've already said no babies until I meet my goal. Let's just say, we're getting motivated around these here parts! I just wanted to share with you all my struggles because I know I can't be the only one out there having plateau problems.
Tell me- Have you ever hit a HUGE plateau that you haven't been able to break? If so, tell me what worked for you or what helped you hit your goal!
Sharing is caring, kittens.
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