White Cliffs of Dover

During our holiday we ventured over to the coast to see the White Cliffs of Dover. PB picked this trip and while I wasn't as excited as he was about it while we were en route, I quickly changed my tune when we arrived. It was simply gorgeous!

We first determined that lunch needed to be eaten before we ventured out to the cliffs. Dover itself looked like an absolute hovel so we drove to a cute beach town nearby ate and checked out the beach.

It had rocks. 

No sand.

(This is NOT a real beach in my book. PB and I have continual battles on this subject.)

The water was freezing... as usual. 

After we had eaten and frolicked we drove back to Dover. It was simply gorgeous!

We walked along the walks and sat on the cliffs itself, which is all chalk. 
(And WILL turn your butt white if you sit on it. FYI, people FYI.)

We started our walk right on the edge where the ferries leave to go to Calais. I reallllllyyyy wanted to hop a ferry for the day, but alas... I was not allowed. 

This was our view on our initial walk. 

As you can imagine, a trek down to the beach was no joke. We started to head down but, being totally the practical, outdoorsy girl that I am... I slid halfway down the first leg. Why? Because I stupidly wore my rainbow flipflops. 


Inappropriate footwear for hiking down this massive cliff. 

We made it down to the midway point. 

(And by made it down I mean I slid 90% of the way on my butt.)

Then we decided to keep going along somewhat off the beaten path. We were the only folks on this particular trail along the cliffs and we were surrounded by loads of blackberry bushes. (Which I may or may not have eaten continually as we walked. Shh. Tell no one.)

Then we had to actually get back UP to the normal path. Three words for this lil' hike.
BURN, baby, BURN! 
(That's what my thighs & lungs were saying midway up. But please note that I smoked both the hubs & stepdaughter. Tree trunk legs do come in handy sometimes!)

En route to the car we came across these weird little niches in the cliff walls. We have no idea why they are there but obviously I needed to get in one & take a picture.


It was a fantastic day and we're planning on going back soon with appropriate footwear to make a really long day of hikes! There are miles upon miles of trails, many of which lead to pubs. We are planning on treking to the lighthouse next time.

If you come to England definitely plan a trip to Dover. It is WELL worth the drive! Also, if you're staying for a while and planning on seeing a bunch of historic properties you should look into a membership to the National Trust. We are members and going to only about three National Trust properties will pay for the membership for the year!

Sorry if I went a little picture crazy... You know how I do! 


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