Easter Recap...

PB and I got all decked out to go to the Four Seasons for their Easter Grand Buffet. 

 *I have the cutest husband evveeerrrr.*

*Best view in the house!*

*Plate Numero Uno. *

*Plate Numero Dos*

*The room was stunning*

*Plate Numero Tres*

(Literally the best ham I've had in my life.)

*Dessert bar was INSANE. This is only half of the desserts.*

*My favorite!*

*They even have a bunny ice sculpture!*

It was such fun. PB and I agree that it was most certainly not the best food we've ever had and probably not worth the price, but it was our first Easter as husband and wife so we HAD to make it special! They had a photographer that was taking family pictures, but we haven't received ours yet. Hopefully soon!

Did y'all splash out on a fun Easter brunch?

(PS: Between this and Toro, it'll be a miracle if I haven't gained 2lbs this week!)


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