Final Honeymoon Recap...

This is long, but you know. I'm a law student... Why say in 2 words what you can say in 15??

Anyway, overall Maui was fun. We absolutely loved the Four Seasons but I have two minor complaints. 

#1- They don't leave chocolates on your pillow at night. I LIVE for one piece of chocolate before bed and I literally ransacked a cleaning lady's cart looking for some one night. NONE! The Ritz always leaves one dark and one milk. Therefore the Ritz wins in that department. 

#2- While everyone congratulated us everywhere we went in the resort, we did not get a single perk for being honeymooners. I didn't expect to get given free meals or anything, but did I expect maybe an extra dessert treat? Yes. Or perhaps a little extra thrown in somewhere? Yes. Did we get anything? Nope. This is probably because we were at a prime honeymooning destination... but still... with the amount we were paying you'd think they could've thrown in a free tiramisu at Ferraro's or a free drink at the Serenity Pool bar one day. 

So what did we do? We were both so tired and exhausted that for the most part we literally wanted to lay by the pool and do NOTHING. Which is what we did every. single. day. with the exception of Wednesday. 

We spent everyday at the Serenity Pool, which, if you're going here, you MUST try. It's the adults only pool and it's calm, quiet and they have a swim up bar. We never wanted to leave. 

*View from Serenity Pool*

 *Beach in front of Four Seasons... It's public so you can get a colorful crowd.*

*We drank lots and lots and lots of these... I suggest the Serenity Mojito (in pink)*

As a wedding gift from my friend CMP we were given a helicopter ride of Maui and Molokai'i and my Madre gave us a snorkling trip to Molokini. This worked out perfectly because I had also booked us reservations at Mama's Fishhouse (thanks to several bloggers who suggested it!) and we needed a car to get there anyway. We were able to rent a car through the hotel (which was fabulous) and it was cheap and they included gas in the price! We got up bright and early and set off for the snorkling first. I'm going to wait to blog about that this weekend because I have loads of pictures and a *video* to upload!! Tres exciting. 

Behold, our helicopter adventure!

And here are a couple pics I snapped on my phone from snorkling. I'll share the ones we took with the underwater camera later this weekend!

We then had dinner at Mama's Fishhouse. We spent some time in Pai'a which is the little town right beside the restaurant. It was really cute!

Mama's was very tasty. My camera died right after we got to dinner, so I had to take pics with my phone. We started off with the lobster guacamole. PB chose it and it was SO odd because that is definitely something he would not normally pick. However, it was AMAZING. We were fighting over it and seriously almost ordered a second round of it.

*They had PB's favorite wine!*

*They brought me a lei for being on our honeymoon... Sorry so squinty. The flash on my BB is SO bright!*

*We went a little dessert crazy... They brought us their special tahitian vanilla ice cream as a treat. The pie on the right was my choice... Oh MYYYY was it delicious.*

I thought Mama's was pretty good. PB LOVED it but I thought it was just ok... I was expecting a little more from my main course, which was the house speciality, or so the waiter said. 

Since this was the only day we ventured out of the resort, we tried all three dining options at The Four Seasons...

We are at Duo our first night. It was ok... neither of us were particularly impressed. It was ok, but overpriced, in my opinion.

*Green Apple Cotton Candy... LOVE!*

Then we tried Ferraro's which is the Italian restaurant on property. We were seated right by the ocean and about 20 minutes after we sat down the sun began to set. 

*It was gorgeous*

*Our pretty table lamp...*

Jetlag was still going strong, however, because I almost was falling asleep in our tiramisu by the end. 

Then... Our last night... the macdaddy of them all.


My expectations were so high... and they were SURPASSED! Literally the best meal I've ever had. 

*Amuse bouche... It was a tomato & red pepper soup. PB and I both were wishing we had full on bowls.*

*Good lookin'*

 *My starter was the coconut crab cake. I almost licked the plate.*

*Terrible picture but PB got the ahi ceviche... He thought it was ok, but I thought it was delicious. *

 *My dinner was the Indian spiced local ono. TO. DIE. FOR.*

 *PB got the lamb... It came with eggplant and I'm not normally a fan but I was eating it off of his plate.*

*Dessert- We ordered the strawberry kaiserschmarren, but they told us they were out, so we picked the chocolate cake instead. It was divine... It came with kona coffee ice cream.*

*AND THEN! The Chef made us the kaiserschmarren anyway with raspberries, because they were out of strawberries. We ate it. All.  Oops.*

*Stuffed as ticks...*

So the remainder of the time we vegged, ate the pool snacks, read on the complimentary kindles they offered us at the Concierge desk. I tried paddle boarding one day and PB tried kayaking (which we've done before.) THe paddle boarding about killed me. I was so sore the next day I could barely walk!

*Popsicles the brought us... *

*View coming down from the lobby area*

*Drinks in the pool and fruit they brought around *

*Last morning... *

*So pretty!*

*We finally hit up the beach... I'm wearing PB's lei he was given when we checked in... I put it on so we wouldn't forget it and forgot to take it off!*

*One of the gorgeous birds that lives under the stairs... I wanted to take her (him?) home.*

*Final drinks...*

All in all it was fabulous... We will definitely be back but I think we'd like to try the big island before coming back to Maui!


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