Weekend in Numbers...

10: The number of hours I slaved away in the computer lab yesterday...

9: The number of times I sneezed in Starbucks this afternoon (approximately)...

8: The number of cups of tea I've imbibed this weekend... (Intervention potentially in order soon)

7: The number of times I had to use the bathroom after said tea... (Apparently it's a diuretic)

6: The number of times I wanted to die while on the Stairmaster... (Multiply by 100)

5: The number of times a potentially mentally handicapped man told me I had pretty hair while in line at 7-11 to buy an apple and one of the aforementioned teas... (Too bad I'm already taken...)

4: The number of times I hit my leg on the corner of my bed today... Bruise in the process of formation... (Wait... make that 5... dangit)

3: The number of weeks (plus 4 days) until I'm Britain-bound for the summer... (Good lord, hurry up)

2: The number of days of class left until the end of the semester... (Paper-bag hyperventilation commenced)

(1.2: The number of pounds I lost at Weight Watchers this week... (YAY!))

1: The number of seasons of Bones I managed to watch this weekend while finish typing up all of my International Law notes and outline... (What? I got my notes and outline done.)


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