10: Number of hours I worked on Saturday... (and also the number of hours I worked on Sunday. I work haaarrdddd for the monnneeyyy... Soooo hard for the money.)
9: Number of pictures of Barack Obama I saw approximately 2 minutes after walking into Austin Hall at Harvard Law School.
8: Number of times I wanted to scream during the MPRE exam on Saturday. (Multiply by 65.)
7: Number of times I changed the answer on question #32.
6: Number of pages I got done in my Tax outline (Who says I'm not productive...)
5: Number of minutes I spent googling "tummy tucks" for future planning purposes.
4: Number of bagels I contemplated eating on Sunday morning.
3: Number of Vineyard Vines items added to my Christmas List.
2: Number of times I rolled my eyes at obtuse law students.
1: Number of bagels I *actually* ate on Sunday morning.
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