Questions Answered

Thanks for helping me get through my bloggers block last week! Here are the answer's to y'alls questions for me:

1. Are you going to be taking the bar exam this summer?

No. I'm a 2L so I still have one more year before I have to take the dreaded bar exam. Law school thus far has NOT been my forte so I am realistically terrified that I'll fail it!

2. Do you plan on practicing law when you move to England? Would you have to take coursework or more exams to be eligible there?

Yes to both. In order to do so I have to sit for and pass the bar in MA before I move. Once I've done that I'm eligible to sit for an exam in England that will qualify me to be a solicitor or barrister there. If I pass that I then have to get hired by a firm as an apprentice and will do somewhere around 2 years of that before I'll actually be able to practice. I'll get paid during those two years but as I understand it, it won't be much. It's apparently like being a full time law clerk for two years. I've been in contact with one firm in London I really like who've invited me to apply for their lawyer trainee program (which is the 2 year program) next year, which I'll do and see if I get! If I fail miserably at trying to be a lawyer I'll likely just try to get another real job, or perhaps become a yoga instructor and spend my life being bendy, happy and broke! :)

3. What are your favorite stores in England?

I have a BUNCH of favorites. I know everyone says this but I really, really, REALLY love Harrods. I realize that it is just a department store, but it is SO fantastic and so different than department stores here. It feels exciting and magical every time we go. I also really like Kurt Geiger, who is a shoe designer in England. His shoes are fantastic! Paul brought me a pair of his shoes as a present last year- They are peep-tow flats with glitter and a gigantic bow on the toe. There is also this adorable little boutique in Oxford that we love. I've gotten 2 pairs of cute heels, 1 clutch and some jewelry there. I can't remember the name of it, but it's hidden and you have to hunt for it. There is another cute clothing boutique in Stratford that I love, but I also can't remember the name of that either!

4. Are you nervous about packing to move?

Yes and no. I'm nervous how much it is going to cost us to ship all of our wedding gifts and all of my pictures and frames, etc over. I'm not taking any furniture, however, so that will be the easy part. My mom and her best friend are likely going to fly over with me, so we'll each be able to take 2 big suitcases, so I hope I'll get all my clothes over that way and won't have to ship. I'm planning of doing a major cleaning out of all of my belongings and clothes before I move and really pairing down. I can always buy new stuff there!

5. How did you meet your fiance? Is he British or does he just live across the pond?

First, he is British! And, our meeting is kind of a cute story. I had just left a grueling yoga class and popped into the Starbucks at the corner of Boylston and Tremont streets in Boston to grab a quick latte to perk up. Paul was already having a coffee sitting by the windows alone while he was consulting for a business in the city. I noticed he had a British accent and struck up a conversation... who can resist a British accent? We chatted for a while, Paul clumsily ordered me a second skinny vanilla latte, and then I needed to head home to do reading for class the next day. We got up to leave and he held the door for me. As we crossed the street he asked if I was free the next night and if I'd be interested in having a drink with him at the Hill Tavern in Beacon Hill. I said yes and then he gave me a quick, unexpected kiss and said goodnight. I thought it was QUITE presumptuous to kiss me right away but he claims I looked like I wanted one. I most certainly did NOT! hahaaa

Anyway, the next night I went to the Hill Tavern and we had glass after glass of wine and laugh after laugh together... We've been inseparable (well, in spirit) ever since!

6. What are some of your favorite restaurants in Boston?

I have SO many. If I had all the money in the world and was a size 2 (with a will of steel) I'd eat out all the time. Here are just some favs off the top of my head:

  • Breakfast: Paramount on Charles Street. On the weekends you have to get there early but it is BY FAR my favorite breakfast spot. They have ridiculous fruit salads, delicious pancakes, huge waffles and healthy options (like egg white omelets and turkey sausage). If you haven't been here you should definitely try it!
  • Sushi: I'm tied on this one. My all time fav (and where I go when i don't mind blowing some money) is Douzo on Dartmouth Street near Back Bay station. They have the best rolls and the fish is always super fresh. Their cocktails are fun and fruity and the seaweed salad is delish. If I want yummy but a little less pricey I go to Ma Soba in Beacon Hill. They have this one roll that has chopped tempura shrimp on top in a spicy pink sauce and it is delicious (and unhealthy, I'm sure.) Ma Soba also has excellent fried rice- Not greasy and not drowned in soy sauce. Definitely get a side of it with your sushi!
  • Steak houses: I have another tie. Either Grill 23 (if you want to bankrupt yourself) or Mooo. Mooo is a new find for me. I tried it last year and fell in love. I'm a HUGE fan of steak tartar and their's was AMAZING. They also have truffle fries which are yummy, but not quite truffley enough for me. I've had steaks there and I've tried their burger and everything was fresh and cooked perfectly every time. Grill 23 really needs no plug. It's ridiculously expensive and a little "frou-frou" but the food speaks for itself. I've only been once on a date (thank goodness we didn't have to go dutch!) but I'm dying to go back again. I got the twin petite filet mignons. This was a perfect option for a weight watcher because you can eat one (which is the correct serving size for a steak) and then save one for the next day. They were cooked perfectly and seasoned well. They had truffle tater tots. Those were SO yummy! My only complaint is that they weren't as crispy as tater tots normally are, but really good still.
  • Italian: Toscano in Beacon Hill. This is by FAR my favorite restaurant in the entire city. I can't tell you how much I love it. I've tried pretty much everything on the menu and somethings they made for me that wasn't on the menu and it's all been PERFECTION. The waitstaff is knowledgable, courteous and prompt. The owners are always there and they remember you every single time you go in and they are also willing to make you things not on the menu if you ask for it. My favorite server is Katherine. If you go, ask for her. She's the best server ever and Paul and I only go when she's working. The pastas are fresh and homemade. The pizza is to die for, and I'm not even a big pizza eater. The best thing to get however, is not on the menu. It's always a special and the protein changes daily (some days it's with veal, some days it's with steak) but it's called the "Rossini." It's usually a red meat with foie gras on top in this black truffle cream sauce. It's $45 so I only order it when I'm not paying but it's essentially heaven on a plate. You MUST try!
  • Casual: I love Parish Cafe on Boylston for sandwiches and bevies. (The hummus plate there is delish, as is the veggie potsickers). Match is fun for mini burger and martinis. (The lamb mini-burger is ridiculous). Hungry Mother in Cambridge is phenomenal if you're looking for upscale southern food. (The cornbread with sorghum butter is my favorite with the fried catfish). Eastern Standard in Kenmore Square has excellent burgers and good cocktails but crappy service. The salt cod fritters are my favorite!
  • French: Aquitaine. No words for how amazing the food and service is. Get the escargot and the steak frites with truffles. You'll thank me.
  • Bar: Bar 10 at the Westin is my favorite bar in the city. The strawberry fields cocktail is my jam there. I've never ordered anything else!

I'll be back tomorrow with a post about summer sandals that I'm currently dying for!


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