The Name Game

I realize that I have a year to decide but I've already been thinking about it and Paul and I have been discussing it.

Issue: Whether or not I should take HIS last name or keep my own?

My thoughts: There is something sweet about taking your spouse's last name but that also means giving up part of yourself. Also, I like my last name more than Paul's. Not to say he has a bad one, but to be honest, mine is kinda cool. I like it. People mention they like it. I'm used to writing it. People ask if I'm related to a few famous rockers that share it. It's not common and it is pretty nifty sounding.

Also, PB has been married before and the ex-wife kept his last name (which I think is bizarre, but to each their own) and I don't fancy being the 2nd Mrs. B.

So suffice to say at this point I'm leaning toward keeping my own. I'm also considering hyphenating or pulling a Hillary and using both last names.

His thoughts: It's traditional for a woman to take a man's name. It'll make us a true family. I would have the same name as our future children. He likes his last name and thinks it would look marvelous next to my first name. He likes the idea of us becoming a unit. (This from the man who also likes the idea of me saying I will 'obey' during the ceremony. I most certainly will not 'obey' anything unless he's willing to 'obey' me as well.)

What do y'all think?

Let's take a poll. Keep mine, hyphenate, use both or take his.


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