Let's play a game called I-have-Bloggers-Block...

I'm currently in a blogging rut. I can think of nothing to blog about that isn't boring, dull or annoying. So, I'm turning to you bloggy friends!

Hit me up with any question under the sun!

I secretly *HATE* it when people do this, but after 3 days of blog-soul-searching, I have nada. I'll answer all preguntas over the weekend.

All you New Englanders enjoy the LOVELY rain today. I'll be indoors at a racy "passion" party tonight to raise some money for a friend running the marathon. I'm planning on buying my BFF/Maid of Honor something incredibly embarrassing and I'm going to save it to unveil at her bridal shower (she's engaged too) in front of everyone. She'll die.

(Side note- This is a running theme. For her 21st birthday our group of friends pitched in and conspired with HER MOTHER to get her a stripper. It was amazing! Imagine a room full of girls in pearls and popped polos watching a gyrating man in a thong with a Jesus tattoo on his shoulder. Does it get any better?)


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