{Thought I would share this gorgeous room to set the 'rainbows, butterflies and sunshine' mood for this post}
Ok, I'm back and feeling more like myself. Cranky pants are off! Thank you all so much for your sweet messages. Some days I don't know what I would do without your encouragement. Thanks a million times over.
Ok, I'm back and feeling more like myself. Cranky pants are off! Thank you all so much for your sweet messages. Some days I don't know what I would do without your encouragement. Thanks a million times over.
So, to get out of the rut I was in yesterday I think I'll share some happy things with you all today. How does that sound?
1. Here's the outfit that I wanted to share with you yesterday before the crankiness came along.
New Lilly!
So excited to wear white sandals!
Yea, you knew there was gonna be a picture of me cheesin'!
2. If you haven't heard yet, The Browns (Summer and Adam) are starting the adoption process. Yesterday they opened a store on Cafe Press to raise money toward their adoption fund. Please visit the store! There is some cute stuff over there! Love you, Brownies!
3. This week I'm starting my home tour, aka: Welcome to my Crib. I finally got my Easter decorations down and everything is back to normal, so now I'm opening my home up to you all! Wanna sneak peek of tomorrow??
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