Wednesday Ramblings

I got up early this morning to finish a few pages of reading for International Law before my training session with Boola. He kicked my booty as usual. I was sweating within about 5 minutes. I said "Wow, can't believe I'm already sweating" and then like 3 minutes later Boola says "Wow, you're really sweating." Thank you Captain Obvious.

I showered and was going to have my midmorning snack at the gym before heading over to school when I got the text message saying all classes had been cancelled after noon! YAY! So now I'm home... What's on tap for the rest of my day?
  • Finish packing for my trip tomorrow
  • Write out the cute cards I picked up for my bridesmaids and stick them in the mail
  • Straighten hair
  • Start researching my topic for my International Law paper (China, Taiwan and Tibet- What could be more interesting?! SUCH a geek.)
  • Watch 24 from last week and this week
  • SLEEP!
I have to be at the airport around 5:15AM tomorrow. My fingers are crossed that I get upgraded to Club World. (If you're reading this, your fingers should be crossed too. CROSS 'EM!) By 2PM tomorrow I'll be landing in London. SOOOOOO excited. We have a lovely Valentine's Day weekend planned... Including dinner at Lambs of Sheep Street in Stratford, V-Day special Champagne Tea at the Brown Hotel, going to see "Valentine's Day" movie, and PB cooking lasagna for me. I will be back on Tuesday with pics and a recap.

What are y'all doing today? For V-day?


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