Five MUST Haves!

Sweet Hopsy at Monograms & Manicures tagged me to list 5 things that I can't leave home without. So here we go... My 5!

1. Blackberry! Between emails, BBMs, twitter, etc I am constantly on my BB. It's a problem to the point that my 'berry dies at least once a day so I've taken to also carrying my charger with me (not pictured.)
2. Engagement ring! I've been engaged for just over a year and I can honestly say that I have yet to take my ring off for more than like 5 minutes. In reality it is just because I'm scared of losing it. :) Although, actually, I lie. I took it off last year right after we got engaged because my fingers swelled and ended up going to Brussels without it! I was heartbroken for the week we were there. Since then, however, it has  NEVER been off my finger. I realize this is silly, but I'm still madly in love with my ring and I don't care who knows it!

3. Chanel Glossimer Lip Gloss! I have a slight lip gloss addiction and this is my favorite. I always have some in my purse, in my law school tote and usually floating around my gym bag. These are pricey but I stock up in duty free every time I fly! (Side note- I think they stopped making my favorite color, "Satinette" which is sooo sad.)

4. Tweezers! I have a serious obsession. I have at least 15 pairs scattered all over Boston, New Hampshire and London. If I can't find a pair or I forget to bring them, I immediately have to buy new ones. Ask PB... He watched me buy no less than 5 pairs in England over the summer. 

5. Fruit and my water bottle! I know this seems odd, but I must carry fruit and my water bottle at all times. I drink copious amount of water and get borderline panicky if I don't have my bottle. I also get hungry every 2 to 3 hours and I have found that the best snack for me is apples and bananas. I usually carry 2 apples and a banana with me all the time just in case!

TAG, bloggers below, you're it! 
I'm dying to see what 5 things you can't leave home without!


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