Thanks so much to my new Blog Friend BLC :0 at The Company She Keeps for giving me the Honest Scrap Award!!! She has a really fun blog featuring loads of fun pictures and she has a lot of great things to say about just about anything - so check out her blog or you're missing out!!!

The rules ... [1] Choose a minimum of 7 blogs for brilliance in content/design. [2] Show thew winners and let 'em know. [3] List at least 10 honest things about yourself. And off I go ...
1. My middle name is Lauren.
2. I used to be a dancer and will forever suffer from ingrown toenails and generally messed up ugly feet! I know, it's gross... and sad. :-(
3. I have a shot glass collection featuring shot glasses from many states and also several foreign countries!
4. Sometimes I still like to watch cartoons - weird, I know. Lately I like Handy Manny on Saturday mornings - it helps me work on my Spanish!
5. I secretly want to be Elle Woods, but who doesn't?
6. I am supposedly a decendent of Daniel Boone on my dad's side of the family.
7. I was raised in the Methodist church.
8. I have a healthy obsession with Disney World, amusement parks, and water slides!!! But mostly Disney World!
9. The places I most want to visit in the world are Greece, Mexico, Memphis, the Grand Canyon, Hawaii, LA, Louisiana, and Australia - I've never been to any of these places.
10. And just to throw a shocker at most of you blog gals, the 10th honest fact about me is.... drum roll please... I've never ever owned a Lilly Pulitzer item!!! (Shocked??? As soon as I get one, you'll all be the first to know! :-)
I tag the following for this award:
These gals all have great blogs, so go visit them!
Pink Julep
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