10: Number of emails to my wedding coordinator so far this week... (I swear I'm not a bridezilla.)
9: Number of times I checked flights to Bora Bora...
8: Number of times I almost killed myself walking to the gym and back yesterday...
7: Number of times I wondered if I should apply for that new show "Heavy" on TLC...
6: Number of times I've had to pick the Humpster up into bed in the mornings... (He has going down his little doggie stairs mastered. Up, not so much.)
5: Number of times I put snowshoes into my L.L. Bean shopping cart and then took out...
4: Number of inversions I tried in yoga yesterday...
3: Number of times I toppled over out of said inversions in yoga yesterday...
2: Number of times I got honked at by delivery men while almost killing
myself going to the gym (See #8)... (Also, am unclear if this is because I almost fell out in front of them or if this was due to my cute I-look-like-a-big-black-marshmallow-in-my-snow-coat look.)
1: Number of wedding bands purchased and in my possession for PB!!!!!! YYYAAYYY!!!!
How was your week in numbers?
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