My Thursday in Numbers...

10: The number of minutes I allowed myself to stay all snuggly and warm under the covers AFTER my alarm had gone off twice.

9: The number of minutes it took me to book it from my apartment to the gym to keep from being late.

8: The approximate number of servings of reduced-fat white cheddar cheez-its I just inhaled. (Note to self, NEVER buy any variety of white cheddar cheez-its again. You can't be trusted.)

7: The number of emails that I had from Viagra this morning. Call me crazy, but I think I'm alllll set on the Viagra front. Thanks though!

6: Number of times I was asked for money walking home from the gym.

5: Number of reps the trainer made me do when he would say "Just one more." (Liar. Big fat liar.)

4: Number of times I said "Maybe I should stop eating these cheez-its."

3: Number of Nalgene bottles full of water I've imbibed. (Yes. I am feeling somewhat floaty.)

2: The number of times I've had a cat bounce by my head. (I think he's on drugs... the good kind.)

1: Number of weeks until LONDON!

How's y'alls day so far?

On tap for the rest of the day: Movie, going to the grocery store to pick up the goodies to make CAKE BALLS (!!!), and then home to do some work before Grey's and Private Practice. I'm boring. I'm also the sorest and most exhausted I've ever been. Thanks Boola!! (Trainer responsible for this pain and agony)


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