I'm FINALLY back!

My SINCEREST apologies for not blogging at all over Christmas. We had a major email/blog login issue. Basically I was unable to get into my email or my blog at all until this afternoon! I have SO much catching up to do.

I hope you all had the best holiday season! While I'll be expounding on my holiday later this week, I thought I'd give y'all a brief recap!


  • I arrived in London Christmas morning. Yes, I am fairly certain that I saw Santa and/or Rudolph. The flight was completely PACKED. The flight staff was NOT particularly festive. They didn't even say Merry Christmas when we landed! However, the Virgin Atlantic flight attendants were decked out in Santa Hats, were playing Christmas music and wished their flight at Merry Christmas. Clearly I should have been on the Virgin flight.
  • PB gave me the BEST bunch of presents (He spoils me too much.): monogrammed pink leather luggage tags, a monogrammed leather Aspinal Social Diary, monogrammed pink leather address book, Chanel Chance Eau Tendre, Boden pumps, wool cloche with pink bow, Welsh gold trio of earrings, a moleskin recipe book, fun books to read, new flat iron, scarves, knee high leather boots (THAT FIT MY TREE TRUNKS!), etc. (I'm sure I forgot lots... but you get the gist.)
  • Mama also done good. She gave me Pioneer Woman's Cookbook (Amen), the book I wanted about the making of Breakfast at Tiffany's and the hot pink Kate Spade BB leather cover.
  • Christmas dinner was roasted duck breast with an orange, honey glaze, roasted brussels sprouts, carrots and parsnips and sausage and apple stuffing. 
  • Confession: I have a brussels sprouts problem. It's embarrassing. I almost ate England out of brussels sprouts.
New Years:
  • We went to a black-tie dinner dance at Oakley Hall in Basingstoke. It was a BLAST! We absolutely loved it. There will be a full post on this later in the week. The only sad bit was that I got a little sick to my tummy and couldn't eat the smoked salmon bagels after midnight. They looked AMAZING.
  • Observation of the night: British people are terrible dancers. British people also have no qualms about breaking it down... Even those standing on death's door step. I. freaking. LOVE. it.
  • We spent 3 days in Geneva I'll do a post or two about this trip later in the week.
  • I ate cheese, croissants, cheese, chocolate, croissants, roesti, cheese, chocolate and more cheese.
  • I gained roughly 1lb per day in Switzerland.
  • My bottom is now the size of France. Perhaps even Germany... yeah. more like Germany.
My last semester of law school started up today. I got in at around 10PM last night and am seriously jet lagged. This semester isn't going to be as easy-peasy as I'd hoped. I have two, count 'em, TWO, 25 page papers to write. Ooooooohhhhh boy. 

So look for my comments on all the blogs this week! I've missed y'all! 
Tell me: What did YOU do over the holidays?!

PS: Also, just as a side note. I didn't realize that I don't get notifications when I get comments. Therefore it seems as if I don't realize when I have comments! I'm turning that on now so I can comment... on your comments :)


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