One of my good friends turned me onto yoga when I moved to Boston two years ago after the campaign. She took me to a class at Exhale Spa taught by David Magone. He is the founder of a type of yoga called PranaVayu.
"PranaVayu Yoga blends specialized vinyasa sequencing, a unique system of skeletal alignment principle, guided meditative practices, and a Buddhist-inspired philosophy of universal interconnectedness. The practice is built on the founding belief that we can help make the world a happier, healthier and kinder place to live by cultivating the best in ourselves."
I LOVE this variety of yoga because of David. He is hilarious, soothing, inspiring and helpful. I remember for the first month of yoga I could NOT get into the wheel. He came over during our class, stood in front of me and had me grab his ankles. I immediately was able to pop up into the wheel (which is a backbend for those unfamiliar). Then the next class I was able to get into it on my own and he came over and whispered a congratulations to me! I also was having trouble with my handstand because of my ginormous booty, but he came over and basically picked up my VERY HEAVY entire lower half to help me up into the handstand! His focus on breathing throughout the sequencing in conjunction with his hands on approach really helps ease you into poses that seem impossible.
He currently teaches at Exhale, The Sports Club LA and Equinox. I joined the Sports Club LA specifically because I wanted to keep going to his classes while also having a "real" gym to use. I can't rave about him enough... It was solely because of him and Pranavayu that I was able to lose my first 30 pounds. I would DRIP sweat each class but over time it's gotten better and I'm SO much stronger for it. I went to a class tonight and even though I haven't been in a while, it was AMAZING what I was able to do and how fantastic I felt afterwards. 90 minutes of sheer bliss!
I encourage all of you Bostonians who might be hesitant about yoga to try a class with David. You'll love it, you'll love him and you'll never want to stop... (PS- It doesn't hurt that he's gorgeous to look at!)
What's your yoga flavor of choice?
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