Things-I'm-Loving Post!

1. J. Crew Vintage Cotton V-Neck T: I'm literally obsessed. I have only ONE in white, but I'm definitely going to be stocking up on 3 or 4 more when I return to Boston. I've been living in this shirt this summer.

2. Ben & Jerry's Phish Food FROZEN YOGURT! Yes, folks. Frozen. Yogurt. My favorite flavor in the entire world is now slightly less fattening. I might cry if I can't find this when I get back to Boston!

3. Boot's Coconut Body Butter: I can't rave about this enough. It is SO much cheaper than The Body Shop and just as wonderful! (I couldn't find the plain coconut on the website, so I linked you to the Coconut & Hibiscus) It helps keep my TERRIBLE dry skin at bay.

4. Mulberry Chocolate Bayswater Bag: British designer bag... I am in LOVE! Pricey, but notttttt as much as Chanel. Hopefully I'll be adding one of these beauties to my bag collection in the near future!

5. FLOWERS! My apartment in Boston for some reason is a flower killer. PB and I have been buying flowers each week when we get groceries. I can't get over how much flowers can make a room feel sooooooo summery and inviting. I'll never be able to break this weekly flower habit, now! (This is a shot of this week's flowers... If you are a Twitter follower you've already seen!)

What are some things y'all are loving right now?


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