I'm so glad it's finally the weekend! I've had a very busy week at work and as most people predicted, this short time before the wedding is FLYING by!!! My bosses finally heard my cries and hired a secretarial assistant to help relieve some of my workload and pressure, but as is the usual, with another body there, they assume I've got so much less to do that I've actually gotten even MORE work to do! And trying to train her with my busy work load of always deadline oriented projects and urgent needs that need to be met is nearly impossible! Ugh...
The upside is that she's lovely - so nice and quite funny when she speaks, which isn't terribly often! She's also bringing a little more femininity to our testosterone overdose of an office, which is great - I've been the only female for ages! If I can just squeeze in some quality time, I think I might just be able to get her ready to hold down the fort while I'm away for the wedding, but we have certainly got our work cut out for us!!! If you have admin staff in your office, never underestimate what they do when you're not looking - they are the backbone of your organization. Things don't get mailed, ordered, stamped, filed, purchased, put together, typed, drafted, signed, etc. without them. You may have the CPA after your name, but you do one job and he/she does all the others... not to toot my own horn or anything. But I'm guilty of formerly underappreciating secretaries in NYC. I've been such a fool!
So I'm glad it's the weekend! I have some important tasks at hand. I only have 2 more weekends including this one before I leave (only 8 more working days!) whoop whoop!!!
Tomorrow I'm having an emergency manicure! Will be my first in 2 months - they are SOOOO expensive here! But my cuticles are splitting and my claws desperately need an intervention!

I'm going to be spending (if weather permits) some much needed time by the pool, or in the pool, reading, floating and working on my tan!!! Bridal glow is free here! VERY NICE!!! Maybe I'll even finally finish Summer Reading and move onto the next book on my never-ending reading list!
And then there's packing! I've made some serious progress, but we're leaving for so long for so many different types of locations & events, that I really have to plan. And so far, with the help of many organizational blog divas, I'm doing pretty well... but there is much more to do! Not only that, but because we're now in Hurricane Season, I want to get everything up on high levels before we leave just in case of flooding. I'll also be cleaning the house top to bottom so when we enter as newlyweds, it will be all nice and pretty - and smell yummy!!! Lots to do before we leave... this fun and exciting time will be over before we know it with so much going on. I'm trying to take pictures and savor every minute of it!

Other things if there's time will be to indulge in some home beauty treats: an exfoliating scrub and a hot oil treatment on my hair.
I also have to re-do our seating chart. Two couples cancelled in the two days since I turned in the seating arrangement. One friend from Ireland is losing his job to the recession. Very sad. And worse, no one will believe this... One of mister's best buddies was HIT BY A BUS! No, this is not a joke! He was hit by a large transit bus in Spain where he lives about 3 or 4 weeks ago, but is still recouperating from a broken arm, collar bone, and foot. He also has a fractured skull and had some bleeding in the brain, so cannot be authorized to travel for quite some time. Thank God he's alive and that's the number one concern. But I feel so bad for my fiance because he was sooooo looking forward to seeing his buddy! Now I guess we'll have to just go to Spain - sad, I know. We're looking at a trip to his family in Ireland in the first part of 2010 and hopping a flight over to Barcelona for a few days to stay with them!
That's all for now chica's! Happy Friday!!!
Pink Julep!
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