Thanks so much to everyone for all the very sweet Birthday wishes!!! Y'all are sooooo sweet! I had a lovely birthday including a cake from my manager at work and everything! Really nice!
I had four comments with e-mail addresses, so there's still one unclaimed postcard from the Cayman Islands! The next e-mail address comment I receive will be the fifth winner! Thanks to those who played! As soon as you respond to my e-mail with your addresses, I'll pop those postcards in the mail! (Takes about 3 weeks to get there from here!)
In other news, a while back Snickerdoodle Champagne bestowed upon me the Fabulous Blog Award and I'm terribly flattered! Thanks so much SC!!! So sweet of you!

So yesterday while in line at the bank (a very long line) I finished Confessions of a Shopaholic. Great book!!! I can't wait to see the movie - hopefully it will come to our little island soon... who knows? Anyway, I'm excited to read the rest of the books... this one was sooo cute!

My next book is The Devil in the Junior League, which I started this afternoon - I'm liking it so far. The first couple of chapters are pretty funny! I'll let you know how I like it when I'm finished... seems like it will be a quick and fun read!

One more thing...
Did anyone else see this frightening picture??? I don't dispute the fabulousness that is Heidi Klum, but who let her leave the house with this frightening teeny tiny uniboob situation?!??! She's a Victoria's Secret model for cryin out loud - it should be in her contract that she never scare people with her mini-uniBOOB!!!!

That's all the gossip for now - sorry I haven't been commenting as much but I've suddenly become extremely busy! We're in the home stretch for the wedding now - less than 4 months away and the schedules have become unreal with all the little details! I'll keep you updated!!!
Pink Julep!
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