by Jaqueline Susann

Anne, Jennifer and Neely - crazy Dolls!

If you haven't read Valley of the Dolls or at least seen the movie (well, actually, it was a mini-series which is totally available on Netflix!) then run out to Barnes and Noble and buy a copy! It was the Sex and the City for our mothers' generation and it still holds some punch, even in today's world. It's tragic and hilarious at the same time which makes it a really fun read.
It's hard to imagine a time when movie stars didn't have public affairs because their sponsors would cut the budget for their movies due to morality clauses in the contracts. I for one would love it if those standards came back - it seems that in today's world, people are getting paid more and are being loved more if they are scandlous. And in the past few years with Amy Winehouse, Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan along with several others, I think its just been allowed and even encouraged to go way too far!!! A little decorum would be so nice!
Anyway, I'm off my soap box now, but I do suggest Valley of the Dolls as a fun and girly read - and even if you don't read the book, you MUST see the movie!!! The 60's make-up and hairstyles are to die for!!!
The next book on my list is Nina Garcia's Little Black Book of Style - it's good so far, but don't worry, I'll definitely give you my honest opinion of it when I'm done!
Pink Julep
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