I just finished reading The One Hundred, Nina Garcia's follow-up to her Little Black Book of Fashion. The first book was AMAZING!!! However, The One Hundred leaves a lot to be desired if you're pretty informed about fashion - however, people who know nothing, or teenagers just starting their adult-sized wardrobes could benefit.
There are good parts of the book, but all in all, it just seems like the same old stuff we've all heard before about cashmere, aviator sunglasses and pencil skirts - but again, its not that bad... A quick read if you've nothing to do.
I did ask particularly for one special book that I hope will be under my pretty pink Christmas Tree!!!! Chanel and Her World! It's a beautiful book - comes wrapped in plastic so I haven't peeked inside, but I can just tell it will be WONDERFUL!!! I'll letcha know if I get it!!!

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