Normally I'm not a big fan of new years resolutions because I never follow through with them. This year, however, I have a few BIG ones... and I am bound and DAMNED determined to follow through and stop messing around!
Here are mine- What are yours?!
1. I'm only allowing myself Starbucks once a week. This will save cash and inches around my hips!
2. I'm going to ALWAYS write thank you cards within a week of a gift/help with something.
3. I'm going to try to get at least 4 out of the 5 veggie servings found in the good health guidelines in WW every single day.
4. I'm going to STOP BUYING CLOTHES! No clothes until the last 35 pounds have been removed from my chubby little thighs.
5. I'm going to make my bed every SINGLE day and I'm going to change my sheets EVERY week without fail. (Sorry if that's gross but sometimes I kinda, um, forget... you know, to change them.)
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