{hope you had a beautiful weekend + links}



. . . last week's links fell away to the excitement and utter romance of the royal wedding, and this week's nearly fell away to late dinner dates and charming company; saturday afternoon at the market and evenings of sparkling lemon spritzers and unbearably exciting plans; long sunday afternoon walks in impossible sunshine and the stunningly heady scent of hyacinths . . .

hope you had a lovely weekend & that it was beautiful where you are, roséline xo


a f e w l o v e l y l i n k s
* travel: paris in photos & sketches {via destined to design}
* diy: pencils in pastel glass jars {via you are my fave}
* pretty pleats & summer sun {via lace & tea}
* at home: delicate hues & stripes
* inspired by: the graduate
* soon it will be: summertime
* diy: cole & son's woods wallpaper
* lace at lover: here & here {first via lace & tea}
* and more: lovely lace
* travel: marrakech
* the duchess of cambridge wore: white gardenia petals
* at home: ghost chairs

* shopping: this crepe blazer & these shoes
* lookbook: verrier
* inspiration: a countryside villa
* at the side: spring things
* perfectly pretty: poppies

{as always, a few things you may have missed}
* monday, monday & late starts
* recollections of the royal wedding: with this kiss
* table for two: call me cupcake
* beautiful bouquets & late spring musings
* late spring & a new month: happy may
* style inspiration: a love affair
* perfectly pretty: tufted pink & carrera
* décor inspiration: tufted velvet & seaside dreams
* diy: wallpapered china cabinet
* favourite five: photographer romina shama


{images: simple style: creating relaxed interiors in the contemporary home by julia bird, photographery hotze eisma, text by bridget bodoano via the through the french eye of design; think pink}


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