(Image via)
Happy Friday, dolls! I can't thank you enough for the simply amazing week that I've had here on the blog. Your warm welcome for Debby, the lovely comments about my office, the fun of Pink & Green Thursday and of course the praises you had for my new design. Thank you over and over!
As you all know by now, tomorrow is my birthday! My 24th birthday to be exact! Even though birthdays aren't quite as exciting as they were when we were younger, I still enjoy the special, magical feeling that a birthday brings. Tomorrow I'm just planning to spend the evening with my parents- shopping a little with my mom and dinner at The Peerless. It should be a wonderful, low-key weekend!
Cheers to twenty-three and welcome twenty-four!
(Moet & Chandon Spring 2011: Scarlett Johannsson by Tim Walker via The Terrier & Lobster)
I suggest you go ahead and get up and dance around to this song. It's a favorite of mine and seemed perfect for today! See you back here on Monday for a birthday recap!
Happy weekend, loves!
Barry White "Can't Get Enough of Your Love, Babe"
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