It's Friday! Love, Love!

Happy Friday, everyone!

As you read this I'm probably at a faculty retreat. After the retreat I'm heading back to my office to finish cleaning and organizing. My first day back to work was great! It was really great to see the coworkers that I had missed over the summer. I didn't get a picture of my office yesterday, but hopefully today!

For those who don't know, I'm not a teacher. I mean, I am but that's not my title. I'm the school counselor. You remember the guidance counselor when you were in school? Yea, that's what I do, only my title/job responsibilities are a little more modern and fancy :)

So, you all know what Friday means, right? If you guessed Summer B.'s 'It's Friday, I'm in Love Series' you're a winner!


Just a few things that I'm loving today...

1. Getting mail!

Lacey from Lacey in Love sent me this adorable package! Sticky notes that say 'why don't you blog about it,' a beautiful card with peacock to match the adorable socks. Thank you so much, Lacey!! I love it!

I got this card in the mail from my friend Lauren. Love you, Lauren!

2. New clothes I got over tax-free weekend!

This F21 sweatshirt is adorable! It's kinda big and slouchy, kinda 80s. Love.

This is actually the back of this sweater. It's also from F21. The tie in the back is so flattering. I already had the white tank top, doesn't it look perfect?

This top was just too fabulous not to get. Another F21 find!

This dress is going to be perfect with leggings and boots! Oh my goodness, it's so cute- also F21.

I got these dresses at NY&Co. for $4.99!! They look fabulous with leggings. I know they look a little iffy just hanging there, but they are really flattering.

3. These popsicle molds I finally found over the weekend! I found them for $7.49 at Ross!

4. This book about Michelle Obama and her fabulous style.

This book is gorgeous. If you come across it, you must get it!

5. This drinking game that Kelsey sent me to play while watching the Real Housewives of DC. Are you all hooked too? I can't get enough.

6. The winner of my giveaway!!

I used to get the winner.

Congratulations, Baker Girl of An Extended Vacation!! You're the winner on my favorite things!!

Please email me at browneyedbellejulie (at) gmail (dot) com sometime today with your mailing address!


I hope you all have a fabulous day, lovies!

Music Info:
Artist: Katy Perry
Song: California Girls


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