Some of my most fondest childhood memories are from my summer vacations visiting my grandparents' cottage on Chautauqua Lake in upstate NY. My parents would pile all three of us kids in the mini van, strap the car top carrier on the top and our bikes on the back and drove all the way from Birmingham, AL to Chautauqua Lake.
My grandparents have since passed away and my aunt and uncle now own the cottage - they've completely renovated it and still spend a lot of time up there. And in typical fashion as I've gotten older and life in general has consumed my time, I haven't been back for almost 10 years.

However, the stars have aligned this year and my entire family (and Bradley, my bf) will be traveling up there for a mini Fourth of July vacation. I cannot wait to show Bradley where I learned how to fish, rollerskate, and water ski. And Chautauqua is beautiful this time of year - highs is the mid 80's and lows at night in the 60's. My kind of weather.

So I've started to (over)pack and I wanted to share my Fourth of July outfit... one of the things I love about Target is that they sell different clothes in different Target locations - ensuring that everyone around you won't be wearing the same thing.
I found this adorable bathing suit at the Target in North Charleston - but have yet to see it at any other local Target or online. And the cover up is so adorable - I actually think I might wear it as a dress sometime with a white tank and white slip under it. It's so cute...also a Target find. The fedora is Forever21.

Most of my bathing suits are from Target, and I'm a big fan. But why are the bottoms getting smaller and smaller?? I actually bought the usual size I buy in bathing suit bottoms when I bought this suit, but it barely covered anything! I had to return it and go bigger.
Now...I know I've put on some pounds this past year and I've got some 'junk in the trunk', but seriously...even the size I got isn't nearly close to being the size it says it is. Haven't retailers realized that if you make your sizes bigger than they are supposed to be, not smaller, that it makes us happier and potentially spendier?
Anyways.............I'm so ready for a vacation! What are your plans for the Fourth?
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